Are you following the signs?


Aren’t you sometimes astonished at the coincidences on your path ?

2 days ago, someone I crossed paths with spiked my imagination and left me shivering with admiration and jealousy. He is Finish and was working in Sales in a big corporation, enjoying all modern comfort and living THE LIFE ! (I can hear someone’s “endearment” from here… Sorry, private joke!). Last year he decided to quit, bought surviving equipment and went on a long walking journey, survival style! He got back in touch with me and, without knowing The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield is one of my favorite books, he sent me this link :

In itself that is already a major coincidence!

Just for the record, he is homeless since June and has never been happier ! He is on a journey to helping and bringing people together and wouldn’t accept anything if given out of pity.

And I have another dear friend who also quit a cushy job this year to open his Healing Center in February.All of these people being pushed and drawn to become Light Workers! I love this. I get a sense of belonging…

This year has brought major transformations in my life. All along my path, everyday, I get to experience the signs and the coincidences that show me that I am on the correct path for me.

You want examples ?

  • I have been drawn to “shine my light” all year but I was really wondering how I was meant to do that. I was guided to become a Meditation Guide (and that is still with me), I started yoga again and really enjoyed it, I received both my first Reiki treatment (I had no idea what that was before) and my Master Kundalini Reiki Atunement in a couple of months, got to experience a bit of my psychic abilities, I was brought into the Angelic world and met my Guides, and I got poked all along to talk more about Ho’oponopono, a bit of this and a bit of that…All along I was fluttering like a butterfly and not finding The One modality I needed to embrace to become a real Healer. I was crying for signs and asking the Universe to tell me what I was supposed to do until one day in October, a Ho’oponopono teacher contacted me out of the blue and told me : “Ho’oponopono is about teaching love, you and anyone can do it and teach it. I decided I wanted to teach it, put a program together and then contacted venues to deliver it. Just do it.” I was shocked by this and thought, well yeah! Then 2 days after I am asked about Ho’oponopono and told that it would be great if an online course existed for it… Fine ! I surrender myself to the Universe! I am now putting together an online course that I would love to launch in the new year. And I don’t have to stop pursuing other modalities and I can keep exploring !
  • Ok want more ?  The other day, I joined to do Tamara Walker’s E-Squared challenge. Part of the second experiment was to count for 24 hours green cars. The minute I decided to start, I look outside my window and what is there ? A green car !
  • Another one : during my first Kundalini Reiki atunement, I saw a big portal radiating rainbow light and a person sitting in meditation. Two of the people, including my soul brother, actually had exactly the same visions !


These coincidences come back in Ho’oponopono : Dr Hew Len says that once we reach a state of zero, we are then open to receive inspiration from the Divine. They often come as this kind of signs. So remove all projections, all “bad memories”, all ego driven thoughts and you will feel the connection to Everything and Everyone, the Omniscience that is what Buddhism describes as a state of Enlightenment… And that all these traditions talk about Synchronicity and signs, isn’t it a coincidence in itself ?…

These are little bits and bobs. Call it coincidences or manifesting, it’s jut coming my way right left and center ! And you know what ? IT FEELS GREAT ! I am so happy and grateful for all I am, what I am becoming and what I am part of right now, I am grinning insanely every day !

What does the Universe tell you to do ? Which coincidences did you experience lately?



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