Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. The Hawaiian word translates into English simply as “to put to rights” or “to correct”, with as synonyms “to manage” or “to supervise”, and as contrary or antonym “to be careless”.
This ancient tradition derives from the belief that everything that happens to you and around you is caused by your thoughts, words or actions, and that these “bad memories” can anger the Divine and the people around you to the point that they will take revenge and cause you troubles.
Hoʻoponopono corrects, restores and maintains good relationships among family members, friends and with their gods or God by getting to the causes and sources of trouble, acknowledging ones responsibility, asking for forgiveness, and reaffirming a deep sense of Love and Gratitude.
Unlimited Souls Wellness currently offers a Level 1 Initiation to Ho’oponopono in person Workshop and will soon offer a full online Ho’oponopono Course.
During the Level 1 Initiation to Ho’oponopono Workshop, you will be initiated to some Ho’oponopono techniques level 1 :
– The different concepts of Ho’oponopono and the 3 me or 3 bodies : Unihipili (Subconscious, the Inner Child), Uhane (Conscious. the Mother), Aumakua (Supra Conscious, the Father)
– the different “downloads” and Ho’oponopono prayers
– the Ha breathing technique
– 3 exercises to bring balance into your 3 bodies
– how to monitor and cleanse your thoughts, words and actions with simple tools and the power of the Ho’oponopono mantra
– how to initiate the process of reconnecting with you Unihipili, your Inner Child, the most direct connection you have with the Divine, through the Inner Child Meditation
– initiation to dousing with a pendulum
– the State of Zero…
– The different concepts of Ho’oponopono and the 3 me or 3 bodies : Unihipili (Subconscious, the Inner Child), Uhane (Conscious. the Mother), Aumakua (Supra Conscious, the Father)
– the different “downloads” and Ho’oponopono prayers
– the Ha breathing technique
– 3 exercises to bring balance into your 3 bodies
– how to monitor and cleanse your thoughts, words and actions with simple tools and the power of the Ho’oponopono mantra
– how to initiate the process of reconnecting with you Unihipili, your Inner Child, the most direct connection you have with the Divine, through the Inner Child Meditation
– initiation to dousing with a pendulum
– the State of Zero…
I offer Ho’oponopono treatments from a distance and initiation workshops. Please contact me to schedule an initial call.
- 1 day Ho’oponopono distance treatment on a specific issue with recorded feedback: €50
- 1 week Ho’oponopono distance treatment on a specific issue with recorded feedback: €100
- 1/2 day Level 1 Ho’oponopono initiation workshop : €150 excluding food.
You can pre-pay for the Level 1 Initiation to Ho’oponopono by Unlimited Souls Wellness through Paypal. To make a payment, click on this link or use the button below to proceed (please indicate the amount you’re paying as well as the service you would like to make a booking for).
You can then book your spot via the Facebook event ( in the events on the Facebook Unlimited Souls Wellness page : https://www.facebook.com/unlimitedlovingsouls/events/) or by Contacting me