
Hello readers and followers,

I have been quite remote for a good while : I was in my chrysalis.

I changed nearly 9 months ago into the mother of a wonderful little prince and I feel that my professional life is also changing.

I feel more ready to embrace my qualification as a Kundalini Reiki Master and I am more inclined to support individuals out of their paradigms and into the light through Tarot and Oracle cards readings, aromatherapy and herbology, colorful and charged craft jewellery (malas…) , custom yoga and meditation practice and of course Ho’oponopono practicing and coaching. I am getting more confident because I know all I do comes from an authentic, loving point of view and my heart center.

So obviously my business is evolving, it is moving towards a different vibration. Now that I am also free from the rat race daily job, I can fully focus on being myself. I am supported by my partner and by my motherhood : my little boy made me my full self.

But more importantly I am fully surrendering to the Universe’s Master Plan and I am trusting that there’s a path for me.

So please forgive me for being silent and making promises of yoga classes that didn’t materialize yet,  it takes a while to adjust all the bits and make the pieces fit into the puzzle that my life is.

I am still me and I still offer my services as advertised here but expect some transformation! Because in fact I don’t believe people stay the same all their lives. We do have to remain to our true nature but essentially, organically we all renew and get reborn on a regular basis. Not only on a spiritual and emotional level do we all go through roller coaster rides, our cells get changed on a regular level. We go through cycles and we emerge different than what we used to be on a regular basis.

The common agreement is that our whole body renews itself on a cellular level every 7 years, even though each type of cell has a different renewal cycle time. I happen to believe 7 years fits me : my life gets transformed more or less every 7 years. But I recon each individual has a different chrysalis time. So please, tell me what is your cycle ?

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Start giving unconditionally: Generosity Pays !

Sometimes around Christmas, I get in a craze of Giving Mood… I buy stuff for my family and friends, I treat people to anything they desire when I can, I cook and bake and go mad with giving giving and giving some more ! People who know me should agree that I am a giver, sometimes at my own cost. But that’s the way I am and, call me selfish, I get so much happiness from Giving !

So Now, apparently it is time for me to remind you all to be generous and why…

With the guidance of a yoga guru friend of mine, I have started paying more attention to people in need around me. He gave his students some challenges : to give to someone in need, and to talk to a stranger. I started bringing the 2 challenges together, I put together some sanitary and basic hygiene products in little bags and distributed them to some homeless people I saw in town. I started to chat with these homeless people and I asked them about their journey… I was most of the times overwhelmed by their courage and their generosity, but what happened to me EVERY time is that I received something in return : the gift of a smile, some gratitude, a small token of their own making, a warm greeting the next time I was coming near them, a wonderful story, a hug, a glint in their eye, an idea for how to help others better … I never left them with less than I brought them!Giving_Quote_FreePrintable_2

You might have heard about Abundance, and the Law of Attraction and the Secret. There are loads of talks, posts, feeds and so forth about these topics lately, everywhere ! Well I happen to believe that the Universe is one energy, all the same. I happen to know that when you create a gap, the Universe has an irresistible urge to fill it with something. Ho’oponopono gurus call it the state of zero, and they say that the gap is filled by inspiration from the Divine. But,hey that’s the catch : you don’t ONLY get inspired from the Big Joker… When you give or when you let go of something, don’t forget to add in a pinch of Gratitude (remember my blog about Gratitude ?) and you will notice that your life will fill in with more of what you are grateful for, without failure !

So start giving now, start being generous, Pay it forward ! You might think that it means you’re losing or wasting something, or you might even believe that generosity is a selfish act that makes you feel better about yourself… Don’t listen to the little demon on your shoulder saying that : it’s your greed and your ego talking. You don’t need most of the stuff you have accumulated. All you need is LOVE! Yes the Beatles were right : that’s all you need to exist! That’s all you need to feel alive, that’s all you need to keep going, that’s all you need to be able to give in return (I will write a blog about how Simple Life should be and about how little you need things)… And if you give your Love without expecting anything in return, if you give your Love unconditionally, you will ALWAYS get it back one way or another.

And remember the Universe is a Big Joker : you might not get a biggy in return, it might not come back to you as you expect it… Look for the little pieces of joy and happiness around you, see the Goodness of your life, of your heart, of other people’s heart; see the Beauty all around you; it’s there, in the small details. Like these beautiful flowers, they come in instant of your life that you expect them the least :

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Leave the Big Picture to the Big Joker : Happiness is in the little moments. They are precious. Decide to see them NOW because only YOU can be the master of your Happiness. Choose LOVE, choose to be Happy (see my other blog on the topic )! It’s like that at first, and once you notice the little moments, the impeccable miracles around you, you will start to be grateful and then they will multiply and flood your life ! Gratitude is an amazing Key to so many things…

I am so Happy right now, my heart is overflowing with Gratitude for everything I have experience, for what I am now receiving and for whatever comes next !

So here is a challenge for all of you : what are you doing this Christmas to make a stranger happy ? Which bit of you or you possessions will you give away to someone who needs it more? Please comment, please share your experience, create a bit of Joy, restore everyone’s Faith in Humankind !…


Get cleaning, Start daring !

Ho’oponopono, in line with the theory that everything is linked and connected, says that whatever happens to us is actually caused by me in the first place.

So let’s all start cleaning ! Clean our life, our thoughts, our actions, our words, our behavior… De-clutter our life from what disconnects us from the Universal Love of the Universe, find our Inner Peace, reconnect with our intuition, with our State of Divinity. Say the mantra today : I love you , I’m sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you. Fill it with intention, believe it!

Joe Vitale is a Ho’oponopono Master taught by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. His life is amazing :  Thirty years ago, he was broke, desperate and living on the street. Through a series of odd “coincidences,” he found his inner calling and has gone on to great fame and success, he went from homeless to guru.. His incredible story of using the Law of Attraction and Ho’oponopono in his own life is an inspiration to thousands. He co-wrote Zero Limits and wrote At Zero. Here is a short talk from him about Ho’oponopono:

Try it : It is liberating !This technique changed lives drastically, it will no doubt start changing yours!
Joe Vitale motto is “Aude Aliquid Dignum”, Dare something worthy. What are you going to dare that is worthy today?